Diving Deeply in October

Unity is a grown-up religion, despite what your relatives may say. To those who don’t regularly attend Unity services, some of our teachings may be interpreted as overly-optimistic, light-weight or underdeveloped. But those of us who have been involved with Unity principles for a while know that they have a way of sneaking up on us. 

Take the Law of Mind Action for instance. This Law defines the creative power of thought, sometimes described as “Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.” Most of us can see the correlation between the events in our lives and the beliefs we hold. But we stop short of agreeing that we are the authors of every aspect of our experience. Two of our Sunday lessons in October address the idea of accountability. 

On October 1 we revisit the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono, sometimes called “making things right.” We learn to apply the principles of Ho’oponopono to the suffering we become aware of—whether it is a personal conflict or global disaster. We carry the idea of creative thought to its depths, realizing that any situation that receives our attention is a product of the thoughts we hold in mind. We may not understand our specific role in causing it, but we have the power to mend it. 

On October 22, we look at Byron Katie’s book Loving What Is. This life-changing approach to acceptance and accountability brings about a shift in consciousness that both liberates and soothes our troubled minds. 

Both of these teachings are difficult to accept at first—most of us have a tendency to blame others, playing either the victim role, or denying any involvement. But once we are able to shed our defensiveness, we can see more clearly, love more truly and respond more effectively. 

Unity is grown-up religion. In October, Unity Spiritual Community is offering Sunday lessons, after-service gatherings and videos that ease our path into the depths of spiritual understanding. Our willingness to take the dive brings rewards of joy, security, success and peace of mind. 

We hope to see you at USC, where our commitment to Truth makes all the difference in the world. 

Namaste, Rev. Carla