The Hero and the Shadow Zoom Workshop

Rev. Carla Comiter, Facilitator. Using the myths of Procrustes and Inanna, we explore the development of our persona and shadow sides through this participatory workshop.

Procrustes was a mythological giant who guarded the road to Athens. Anyone who wished to travel to Athens, the center of the known world and hope of a good life, was required to lie on Procrustes' iron bed. The giant then lopped off the parts of their bodies that did not fit on the bed, or put them on a rack to stretch them into fitting. This myth symbolizes the way we delegate parts of ourselves to the shadow, and develop a persona, in order to have success in life. In this hands-on exercise, we rediscover the buried gold within us.

Inanna was the Queen of Sumeria, Goddess of Heaven and Earth. Her sister Ereshkigal was Queen of the Underworld. Their story is considered to be the oldest Goddess myth in recorded history; it was inscribed on clay tablets around 1750 BCE. This famous tale of the Goddess' descent into the netherworld provides us with a testament of a time when the Goddess, women, life and love were the heart of religion.

In this experiential workshop, we follow Inanna as she responds to her sister’s cries and journeys into the underworld. We learn that we each have a shadow side, and explore ways to attain integration and wholeness. $15 Love Offering suggested. Sign up at