Self-Care in Times Like These

It’s been nearly a year since the pandemic started necessitating changes in our everyday lives. Even if we think we’ve grown used to the restrictions and isolation, we need to be aware that we’ve lived under an ongoing shadow of fear. Add to this the increasing civil unrest and violence, and you have a population that is struggling with great stress on a daily basis. 

This stress shows up in our lives in many ways. We may have troubling dreams that interrupt our restful sleep. We may have short tempers. We may have difficulty focusing on the tasks at hand. We may find it difficult to cope with the other challenges that life presents—illness and death of our loved ones, financial insecurity and uncertainty about the future. 

It is easy to neglect self-care when facing so many distractions. Yet having a plan that includes daily attention to our well-being, as well as additional activities that heal and uplift us, is essential to thriving in difficult times. On a daily basis, plan healthy menus that also include some of your favorite comfort foods. Get enough rest and realize that frightful dreams are often your mind’s way of processing the day’s news. Watch light TV and avoid violent shows. Take a weekly Sabbath away from the news and spend that time in quiet renewal. Spend time in nature—breathe deeply when outside and allow the natural denizens of our planet to aid in your healing. Get some exercise. 

Also schedule events that provide enlightenment and upliftment. This coming Sunday at USC, our guest speaker Sky Nelson-Isaacs is speaking on The Art of Synchronistic Choices. His article in this newsletter describes how this seemingly esoteric topic directly relates to today’s social issues. 

And remember to laugh. I watch reruns of my favorite old sitcoms every day. Currently I’m watching “Rhoda,” a hit show from the 1970s. It is available on YouTube. Also, I recommend an upcoming comedy concert starring Greg Tamblyn. Greg has entertained Unity audiences for many years. His humor is gentle, relevant and side-splitting, See the blurb below for the link to his concert on Tuesday, January 19. 

Finally, maintain your faith. Even if you do not know why things happen, there are always reasons, and those reasons are ultimately good. We can rest in the knowing that God is present in the midst of every situation and God’s love envelopes us each moment of the day. 

In peace, 

Rev. Carla